Cintrong has successfully developed a dedicated variable frequency power supply for transformer testing, which can meet all the parameters required for transformer testing.
The main features are as follows:
1. The output frequency is continuously adjustable from 5Hz to 500Hz, and the step is 0.1Hz;
2. The output voltage is continuously adjustable from 0-900V, and the step is 0.1V;
3. With 50Hz, 60Hz, 100Hz, 120Hz, 200Hz, 240Hz, 400Hz fixed, it is convenient for transformers to do frequency doubling and voltage doubling tests;
4. It can be controlled remotely, and it is not necessary to operate on site with harsh environment to ensure personal safety.
Customer use cases: Shenyang TBEA, Hengyang TBEA, Deyang TBEA, Jiangsu Huadian, Dongying Shuangyi and a series of transformer production and transformer testing instrument manufacturers.
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